Water Savings Service
Wireless Technology
20 Years of Experience
Irrigated Landscaping
Proven Water Savings Service Versus Self-Adjusting Smart Timer
What is the Water Savings Service called Water2Save?
Forget about an ROI on purchasing a smart controller. Water2Save service starts saving money immediately by optimizing irrigation water use and reducing high water bills while keeping an aesthetic pleasing landscape green and healthy. No need for landscaper training or the need to learn a smart new controller.
Water2Save saves money for properties at a price lower than the gross amount saved on reduced water bills. Initial costs can be reimbursed by the water utility as an incentive. Click on Incentives.
Smart timers that self-adjust to changing weather conditions have been known to fail at saving water and money even after customers make a large investment in smart technology. This is due to complex user interface such as confusion when programming the front panel, learning a new Internet app, modifying settings, troubleshooting wireless signal issues, interpreting cloud data, and when automatic algorithms are unable to seamlessly override onsite problems.
Most smart controllers are reverted‐back to manual standard timers which the landscaper understands in order to correct for problems.
Guarantee Savings
Water2Save's service takes care of the many challenges that self-adjust smart controllers suffer in savings performance. Smart controllers do not come with a guarantee to start saving and continue to save money.
Without knowledgeable engineers monitoring and managing complex technology, smart controllers with weather-based software have been taken offline or disabled by landscapers. Thereafter, savings cannot be achieved.
Water2Save's monitoring and adjustment service of each controller's activation and landscaper's modification of baseline programs guarantees money is saved (NET to property) while keeping the landscape green and healthy.

Opportunity To Save Money and Water
About 80% of water consumed in Southern California is from outdoor irrigation of aesthetic landscaping. Water rates are continuing to rise resulting in higher and higher water bills. From 30% to 50% of the water bills can be saved by adjusting sprinkler programs, cycles of watering minutes, and days to water when the weather changes. This is done using wireless connections with data servers.
In order to achieve savings, weather data must be monitored by skilled engineers who upload adjustments and download results using servers to confirm changes were actually made. Wireless adjustments using the cloud can be problematic when done by self-adjusting algorithms and equipment alone.
Our Services
Wireless Connection for Data Management
Water2Save adds wireless connection to existing irrigation systems to adjust and monitor watering minutes. Water2Save servers use 2-way communications for sending and receiving data on standard cellular networks. Data is stored on private Linux servers for reporting and tracking. All cellular data cost is included with service.

Tracking and Reporting of Water and Dollars Saved
Utility Accounts and Cost Savings Reports
Water bill savings are tracked from meter water consumption accessed through logging into the water utility database. Water usage and water rates are used to compare current monthly amounts with prior year amounts billed before installation of Water2Save.
Landscaper Interface
Water2Save communicates routinely with onsite landscapers. When overrides are needed to help mitigate irrigation failures, Water2Save sends temporary adjustments to related controllers. These failures can include mainline leaks, sprinkler head breaks, extra water needed for stress areas, seeding, fertilizing, solenoid failures, wiring faults, conversion to drip, and new plantings.
With Water2Save landscapers do not need to learn how to use a smart controller, but simply program the industry standard controller they already know how to use.

24/7 Weather Data and Watering Restrictions
Water2Save works with all types of weather conditions, including Sunny, Rain, Drizzle, Cloudy, Hot, Cold, Day, and Night. Daily weather adjustments occur using 24/7 public information reported by the National Weather Service (NWS), Irrigation Management Information Systems, Local Weather TV Stations, and NWS Forecast Reference Evapotranspiration (FRET) daily projections for California.
From time to time, Drought Emergencies result in governments and utilities issuing watering restrictions for irrigated landscapes.
Water2Save works in conjunction with changing weather to assure watering days comply with local ordinances, such as, which days to water, number of minutes to water, and rain shutoff.
Water2Save's database reports of detailed watering activation are sent to the property showing water restrictions are being followed. These reports are used to avoid fines or meter shutoff.

Customers Say
“The real deal, successfully reduced our water bills well beyond the cost of the service and landscape looks even better.”
“Our landscape crew fully supports the service which saves us time and money. For many years, the communication has been excellent, especially when irrigation problems crop up.” Having such positive cooperation and exchange of information has continued to strengthen our relationship with the customer.”